The Education Endowment Foundation’s Secondary Science Guidance Report is a good starting place for looking at evidence-based interventions that could improve learning in your class. Education in Chemistry have a series of articles linked to the seven recommendations in the EEF report.
If you wish to look at research informed strategies to support learning in your classroom, then there is a multitude of information at the CogSciSci website.
Principles of Instruction: Research based strategies that all teachers should know – by Barak Rosenshine
Cognitive Load Theory
A five minute guide to… cognitive load theory – blog post by Bruce Robertson
Teach cognitively-confusing chemistry with confidence – Education in Chemistry article by Dom Shibli
Retrieval Practice
How do tests help students learn? – Education in Chemistry article by Fraser Scott
Johnstone’s Triangle
Alex Johnstone researched pupils’ difficulties with learning chemistry. His findings tie in with the working memory model and cognitive load theory.
Practical Ideas for Using Johnstone’s Triangle – Education in Chemistry article by Nikki Kaiser.
Roaming the Representations – Education in Chemistry article by Fraser Scott.