Supporting Pupils with Additional Support Needs

Any pupil may need additional support for a large number of reasons. The support required will be unique to the individual pupil. How can you create a classroom ethos where all learners are supported and challenged?


Getting It Right For Every Child

Children’s Rights to Education and Additional Support in Schools

Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Understanding Autism

Autism: A resource pack for school staff


Addressing Dyslexia

Dyslexia in Science Subjects – how to support pupils with dyslexia in the science classroom


Dyspraxia: Secondary School Classroom Guidelines

British Sign Language

Signing Science (RSC article of the work of Audrey Cameron and others)

BSL Chemistry signs

Other Resources

CALL Scotland provide many strategies for overcoming barriers to learning.

Improve Literacy for All – article in Education in Chemistry by Jane Essex

Improve Manipulative Skills for All – article in Education in Chemistry by Jane Essex

Why don’t we include everyone when we talk about ‘science for all’? – Education in Chemistry article by Jane Essex that challenges whether we really think science is for everyone.

Approaching acids, bases and indicators inclusively – Education in Chemistry article by Jane Essex